Music Valley - La haute vallée de l'Allier, Auvergne, France Auvergne - France:

 The high valley of the Allier.
between Brioude and Langeac.


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Musician's holiday......
The organisers of events in the high valley of the Allier will be pleased to receive enquiries from musicians looking for a place to perform in a delightful part of rural southern France. Locations vary from the Mediaeval Basilica in Brioude (400 places) or the modern auditorium in Langeac (300 places), to the more intimate locations of the Valley's historic churches (120 to 200 places) and other locations.

The music season in the Haute Vallée is largely provided by small ensembles, such as chamber orchestras, instrumental ensembles, quartets, duos and solo performers. Since 2008, the Valley has welcomed musical ensembles from France, the Netherlands, Spain, Bielorussia and the UK.. These have included performers from the BBC singers, the Wellington Symphonia, the Minsk Opera, the Opéra de St. Etienne and other internationally renowned venues; but the range of performers has also included amateurs, and musicians with no high-profile accolades.

Musique en la Vallée is not a chic festival for the gliterati of the world of music; there is already one of those on our doorstep - the International Music Festival of la Chaise Dieu (less than 20 miles from Brioude). Musique en la Vallée is a relaxed affair, a "fringe without a festival", a season for music lovers, and an opportunity for musicians to perform in an informal environment in one of the most beautiful parts of France. Professionals, amateurs, up-and-coming musicians, whatever your background, if you can offer a quality performance and would like further information, email Musique en la Vallée at music "at"  for further details.

Places to visit Outdoors, wildlife Accommodation  Restaurants Access